I guess with the art portal up I can submit stuff now. Been a long time since i pulled out the wooden medium. I posted a picture of green arrow that I drew a few years ago. Been doodling ever since, but it's more refined as compared to green arrow. I don't have too much time to draw anymore, rather... to be able to put a whole lot of time and effort into a worthwhile drawing. This isn't meant to really be a discussable post, just to get the old one i had off. I do appreciate the art forum, though I don't appreciate stupid people who A: Don't understand how art works and B: are ignorant to fact A.
Art works?
Kind of like how that noway57 voted one just because it wasn't his liking in artwork or whatever, no respect for the effort put into the artwork. http://www.newgrounds.com/art/vie w/jagondudo/strawberry-butt-cheek s is the link to the picture i'm referring to. Otherwise it's hard to explain what was meant.